What Can I Expect During the Recovery Process After Getting a Dental Crown?
A dental crown is tooth-like cap dentists use to restore your smile and dental function. The dental crown procedure is straightforward and pain-free. However, there are common side effects that impact the recovery process. Read on for what to expect throughout the recovery process after getting dental crowns in Huntington Beach.
What to Expect After Crown Placement
After getting a crown, you are likely to experience specific side effects. For example, you may have inflammation, irritation, and sensitivity immediately after the procedure. Fortunately, the recovery period takes a few days. In addition, your dentist will provide aftercare instructions to help ease the symptoms. Below are things you should expect afterward and their solutions.
- Sore and swollen gums
Once the numbing effects of the anesthesia fade, you will experience temporary discomfort in your gums. Your gums near the area of the new crown will be sore, swollen, bruised, and tender. The dentist will provide medication to ease these symptoms.
In addition, they will advise you to swish with warm salt water several times daily. It helps to alleviate the discomfort within two weeks following the procedure. If it persists, contact your dentist, as it may signify an infection or an ill-fitting crown.
- Tooth Sensitivity
The crown dentist near you will remove small portions of the enamel during the treatment. This can be done to remove decayed tooth parts or to allow proper crown placement. As a result, your dentin will become exposed, leading to sensitivity when you take hot or cold things.
The crown is designed to insulate your tooth and prevent sensitivity. However, it may take a while for the tooth to get used to your crown. Therefore, you will experience discomfort for a week or two following the treatment. The level of sensitivity varies between individuals depending on the amount of enamel removed. As a result, not everyone has tooth sensitivity.
You may also experience tooth sensitivity whenever you bite with your crown. This type of sensitivity signifies that the crown is too elevated. You should visit your dentist for crown adjustments to prevent discomfort. They will ensure your bite is comfortable.
Tooth sensitivity should subside after a few weeks once your teeth adjust to the crowns. During this time, you can use over-the-counter medications to manage the discomfort. Also, you should avoid substances or hot and cold foods and beverages which cause sensitivity.
- Gum inflammation
You can experience gum inflammation after the dental crown procedure. This may occur when the crown rubs against your gum tissue, irritating. Inflammation can also occur if food particles get stuck between your crown and tooth.
Inflammation due to the position of the crown on your gums eases after a short while. Your gums get used to the crowns and stop being irritated. Flossing or brushing will remove particles stuck in the crown, relieving inflammation. However, you should contact the dentist in Huntington Beach if your inflammation continues past a few days.
Dos and Don’ts During Recovery After Getting a Dental Crown
Taking excellent care of your mouth during recovery aids healing and avoids complications. You can follow the tips below for a quick and successful recovery after getting dental crowns in Huntington Beach.
- Maintain good oral hygiene to keep your gum tissues healthy and prevent decay to the underlying tooth. Brush and floss daily, focusing on where the crown meets the gum. When flossing near the cap, slide the floss rather than lifting it out.
- Make dietary adjustments for the first few days after crown placement. Avoid hot, cold, hard, spicy, sticky, or chewy foods during recovery. Instead, take soft foods and non-acidic drinks which are neither too cold nor hot.
- When eating, chew with the opposite side of the mouth away from the crown.
- Use salt water rinses to alleviate inflammation and soreness in your gums.
- Avoid biting or chewing on complex substances or foods with your crowned teeth. The crown may get damaged or dislodged, necessitating repair or replacement.
- Take the recommended medications to ease the discomfort and prevent infections.
- Schedule an appointment with the crown dentist near you if the pain, swelling, and inflammation persist. Also, visit them if the crown becomes loose, dislodged, or damaged.
Are you considering getting dental crowns? Then contact us at Seascape Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry- Huntington Beach. We will fit you with crowns that compliment your smile.